Name : Mr.Navinthan Thanapalar
D.O.B : 26 November 1981
Suburb : Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, M'sia
Post : President, Year 2007-2008, Vice President, Year 2006-2007
Man with his own principles, Mr.Navinthan Thanapalar has brought a huge success for the club during his leadership. He togather with his fellow board members managed to build a very strong foundation for this club in Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak Campus. Besides that, he also ended his term with a very excellent financial status for the club.
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs... one step at a time"
Name: Mr. Saravanan Baskaran
D.O.B: 20 December 1986
Suburb: Sentul, K.Lumpur, M'sia
Post: Head of Publicity, Year 2006-2008
A very cheerful and highly motivated man, Mr.Saravanan Baskaran also well known as Saran, has played a vital role in CiTY CLUB by making it a well known organization in the eyes of all the Curtinians. His endless effort as a skilled designer was very essential for the club.
"Remember that you are needed. There is at least one important work to be done that will not be done unless you do it."
Take a view of their contributions as CiTY CLUB members...
Name : Mr.Yogeshwaran Chandra Das
D.O.B : 2 January 1984
Suburb : Bangsar, Selangor, M'sia
Post : Head of Student Affairs, Year 2006-2007
Mr.Yogesh, also known as Yogie is a very multi talented person. He is a vey good singer, dancer, and also football player. He proofed to be one of the important members in CiTY CLUB when he took a very big step to introduce Curtin Freestyle Dance Battle in Curtin University of Technology. His winning attitude and mentality brought a huge success to CiTY CLUB.
"Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game" Yogie.C
Name: Ms.Tulika Singh
D.O.B: 28 December 1986
Suburb: Banglore, India
Post: Secretary, Year 2007-2008
Ms. Tulika, is a very exciting and innovative person. She is very bold in making decisions and always ready to face new challenges. Her contribution towards this club is endless. Her presence in every espect of CiTY CLUB can be clearly seen by everyone. Besides being a dedicated members of the club, she is also a very good dancer and singer. Her performances through out Miri have created a huge group of fans.
"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step" Tulika.S
Lets take a look at their Video...